-Tarot Readings-

I became interested in tarot during covid when i had plenty of time to dedicate to a new hobby. Upon finding insight and clarity in Tarot, I became obsessed immediately. Before offering readings outside of my own daily tarot practice, i took the time to enroll in classes to become more connected to my deck and confident in my craft.

Not only do i continue my education of tarot but i do my own readings for myself every morning. i enjoy being able to offer the same sort of connection to my clients.

What is a virtual reading?

While I am out of the office I am offering Tarot Readings Virtually. That means they can be purchased through my website and readings will be received the same day. Much of the communication that seems to work best for my clients is through email and/or text message. During checkout you will be able to mention your preference, and I will reach out with any further questions I may have.

-What is a tarot reading-

If you are seeking guidance or insight into a situation, a Tarot Reading may be just the thing to help you along your path. Often used to help provide clarity and different points of perspective, readings can help show you the options you may take towards health, healing, relationships, career, and personal growth.

-What is a crystal reading-

Crystal readings are all about the combination of Tarot & Crystals. I have a special deck of cards that represent over 50 crystals along with affirmations.

Not only does this reading incorporate Tarot but you will leave with the exact crystals that are called to you and learn how to best implement their energies.

-Full & New moon readings-

These are two different types of readings that are specific to moon cycles.

A Full Moon Reading is all about releasing old energy and recognizing areas of growth.

A New Moon Reading is more focused on what sort of intentions you should set and manifesting that new energy.

Tarot does not predict the future, rather provides you with insight and connects you with your higher self. Remember, you are in control and choose what path you want to take. Tarot will simply provide you with further details to assist you in choosing the one that may best serve you.